Gasteria, Gastrolea or Gasteraloe

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Gasteria excelsa
Here is another question about the differences in plants - What is the difference between a Gasteria and a Gastrolea or Gasteraloe?
First of all Gastrolea and Gasteraloe are synonyms. That said, what is a Gastrolea?
A Gastrolea is a cross between a Gasteria and an Aloe. These plants are very similar so can readily interbreed. The most commonly, commercially known Gastrolea is Aloe Midnight.
It is easily identified because they look more like Aloes but with the tough exterior of the Gasteria and have a very distinct purplish black color.

Gasterias, Gastroleas & Aloes all have similar blooms but the Gasterias tend to have more green in the blossom than the Gastroleas or Aloes.

Gasteria brachyphylla
Gasterias have tough flattened leaves that are generally rounded at the tips. Gasteria is a genus of suculent plants naive to South Africa. The genus is named for its stomach-shaped flowers and is part of the  Xanthorrhoeaceae the subfamily of Asphodeloidea. This family includes several genera besides Gasteria, including Haworthia, Astroloba and Aloe. When in bloom, these plants are attractive to bees and hummingbirds, plus they are drought-tolerant and suitable for xeriscaping in dry areas.

Some interesting and useful links:


Anonymous said…
The second photo is actually a picture of Aloe 'Midnight'
Aloe Midnight is its common name but it is actually a Gastrolea which is a hybrid between an Aloe and a Gasteria as is mentioned within the blog.