Red Bottles for a Bottle Tree

Today a customer came into our store and during a conversation with Linda mentioned having a bottle tree installed in her landscape. She had started collecting bottles and having friends collect bottles for her as well however she was having trouble finding red bottles in particular. Emma told her that red glass bottles are difficult to find because most red bottles today are either clear bottles painted red that eventually fade in the sun or are bottles plasti-coated red. Emma suggested to our customer that she could take a clear glass bottle and into it add a small amount of a mix of red latex paint and water - about 4 tablespoons should be enough. After adding the mix swirl it around inside the bottle trying to coat as much of the inside as possible then pour out the excess if there is any. After the paint has dried inside the bottle another coating can be applied if needed following the same process as listed above. Now the painted bottle can be placed on the bottle tree with the neck down so that rain water will not get inside and cause the paint to peel. This painting process can be done with any color paint desired and with some practice, multi-color bottles can be made.
Here is a picture of the lighted bottle tree we built for our Spring Home & Garden Show exhibit. This picture was taken inside a building with ambient lighting but the bottle at the top of the left branch was painted pink using this process - you can see the light inside it shining through the paint. This bottle tree had lights running inside the bottles to light the bottles up at night.
